Tollo – Tullum’s town
Tollo gently rests on a hill of the Abruzzo Apennines, suspended between land and sea. The small town, 150 mt above sea level, enjoys an enviable position: on one side, the mountains of the central Apennines, with the majestic Majella massifand the Gran Sasso embracing the prosperous vineyards from far-away; on the other side, the Adriatic Sea. The 14.96 Km2 of the town area constitute a unique land habitat that makes the soil particularly suitable for a high-quality agricultural production. The vineyards and olive groves dominating the landscape are living proof of the agricultural potential of the area.

Tollo and the wine, a relationshipover a thousand-year-old
The earliest evidence of grape vine cultivation in the Tollo’s area dates back to the Roman times. There are several finds dating back to that period, that have been found in the different districts of the town. Besides the discovery of some wine "dolium" and wine cells, the ruins of a few Roman "villae rusticae", archetype of modern farms, have also come to light. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the wine production in the Tollo area has remained a recognized excellence, as confirmed by the documents of the several rulers which have succeeded one another, from the Longobards to the Normans, till the Kingdom of Naples. A crucial stage of this long-lasting path is the 2019 establishment of DOCG Tullum, an achievement resulting from the commitment of a whole territory, and the combination of an ancient wisdom with modern grape growing and winemaking methods.